
Timeouts and logging

Testing-best-practices Timeout Error

Go’s package testing has a default timeout of 10 minutes, after which it forcibly kills your tests—even your cleanup code won’t run! It’s not uncommon for infrastructure tests to take longer than 10 minutes, so you’ll almost always want to increase the timeout by using the -timeout option, which takes a go duration string (e.g 10m for 10 minutes or 1h for 1 hour):

go test -timeout 30m

Note that many CI systems will also kill your tests if they don’t see any log output for a certain period of time (e.g., 10 minutes in CircleCI). If you use Go’s t.Log and t.Logf for logging in your tests, you’ll find that these functions buffer all log output until the very end of the test (see for more info). If you have a long-running test, this might mean you get no log output for more than 10 minutes, and the CI system will shut down your tests. Moreover, if your test has a bug that causes it to hang, you won’t see any log output at all to help you debug it.

Therefore, we recommend instead using Terratest’s logger.Log and logger.Logf functions, which log to stdout immediately:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
  logger.Log(t, "This will show up in stdout immediately")

Finally, if you’re testing multiple Go packages, be aware that Go will buffer log output—even that sent directly to stdout by logger.Log and logger.Logf—until all the tests in the package are done. This leads to the same difficulties with CI servers and debugging. The workaround is to tell Go to test each package sequentially using the -p 1 flag:

go test -timeout 30m -p 1 ./...

See the Cleanup for more information on how to setup robust clean up procedures in the face of test timeouts and instabilities.

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